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Friday, November 29, 2013

20 things single women hate

1) Any kind of "shower" other than the one to wash your hair. Baby, wedding, bridal, couples...ugh

2) Having to drive everywhere. Being single, you don't have a guy to drive to places and save you gas money.

3) The front of your fridge full of nothing but wedding invitations; and not knowing whether or not to check "and guest" because you are not sure if you can find a date.

4) Not getting presents for any other reason but Christmas and your birthday.

5) Having to lift heavy objects; or worse, move.

6) When your coupled friends say "we" instead of "I".

7) Not getting "it" on the reg.

8) 3rd wheel, 5th wheel, 7th wheel, and so on and so forth

9) Buying vegetables. You have to eat a family servings worth of asparagus in 3 damn days before it goes bad. That also goes for cooking for one in general.

10) Checking out at the store and having 3 items: a frozen dinner, a bottle (or 2) of wine and tampons. A little piece of your soul dies when you realize tampons are the most expensive item; and when the checkout person looks at you like they feel sorry for you.

11) Having to spend your hard earned money on gifts for other's happiness and getting nothing in return.

12) The question "Why are you still single?"

13) Family gatherings when you are the only one sans significant other; and the 3rd degree that follows.

14) The holidays

15) Rom-coms...unless you're having, "one of those nights"

16) When you have "girls night" with your girlfriends in relationships and they are on their phones the entire time and/or leave early.

17) Putting air in your tires.

18) Having to look somewhat presentable everywhere you go. You don't want to meet your future husband at the cleaners lookin' a hot mess.

19) When you don't want to get off the couch to get something and you realize you can't yell "hey can you do me a favor" and have to get it yourself. This usually results in just saying screw it, I don't need it that bad.

20) Everyone else who is not single and miserable like you.

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